quinta-feira, 8 de novembro de 2018

Mothers day

Mother's day is special to celebrate the gift of life, motherhood is one of the most special things in the animal world, the union between mothers and their babies is something that we can not explain yet, it goes beyond human understanding to understand this kind of relationship, something that you can not feel, but is intense and powerful.

1. Altruists from conception

Even before the birth of her cub, the elephant mother already demonstrates her altruism and love for him. She carries the baby in her womb for 22 months!

After giving birth to an elephant with up to 115 kilos of weight, which reaches the blind world and totally dependent on it, the mother still breastfeeds him for four to six years.

2. Ties that last

Orangutans only reproduce every eight years. That's why moms have a lot, a lot of time to spend with their young. In the first months after birth, physical contact between mother and child is never interrupted, and they are breastfed until the age of five.

The bond is so strong that, even after being independent, young females usually visit their mothers until they reach the age of 15 or 16.

Powerful: Meet 10 animals with dominant females
3. Miles of love

Even before his little cub breaks the bark, the Emperor's penguin mommy walks about fifty miles to the sea to catch a fish to feed him while the male keeps him warm between his legs.

If the little one dies, the mother mourns her loss, and will only put in a new egg after a year.

4. All for the little ones

Before giving birth, the polar bear fattens almost 100 pounds. Then she takes refuge in a burrow, where she hibernates. When her young are born, still in the winter, she keeps them warm to her body until spring arrives and she can go out to fish.

During eight months of intense cold, Mamá Ursa does not eat anything, but feeds her puppies with breast milk and loses all the extra weight she has gained.

5. Defending with your teeth

For a baby crocodile, there is no safer place in the world than your mother's mouth. To prevent the dangers of the river from injuring or killing their young, the female crocodile carefully carries them between their sharp teeth.

Separated from their puppies
Lionesses, elephants, tigers and other wild mammals take care of their young for several years to teach them everything they need to survive. But the cruelty of the tourism industry with wild animals separates them from their babies so that tourists can pet them, take pictures with them or watch them at a show.

Help change this reality. Sign our petition to demand that TripAdvisor stop promoting and sell tickets to ruthless tourist attractions that use wild animals.

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